personal work

Real Cool Time

Since February 2014 I am publishing „Real Cool Time“, an exclusive
magazine edition of my black and white photos, edited by Neal Wach.

Without limited subject or genre „Real Cool Time“ collects
photos of people and other objects of desire I have met, or will meet.

The saddle stitched magazines are sized 18×24 cm, 20 pages,
and contain 16 full- and/or double-page black and white photographs.

The edition is limited to 12 issues (ed. 50/issue).
Each issue costs € 9,– (plus shipping fee).
Subscriptions (12 issues plus cardboard slipcase) are available for € 90,– (plus shipping fee).

With the release of issue no. 12 subscribers will receive a specially designed slipcase for their collection.

To order, please contact

In Berlin „REAL COOL TIME“ is on sale at:

Buchhandlung Walther König
Burgstraße 27
10178 Berlin

Prinz Eisenherz Buchladen
Motzstrasse 23
10777 Berlin


Real Cool Time # 2
Real Cool Time # 4
Real Cool Time # 6